Directory Opus 4 Research Project
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Directory Opus 4 Beta Versions
Last updated: Saturday, 1 April 2006
This is the complete list of all beta versions and older GPL releases of Directory Opus 4 currently available, newest on top. Changelogs can be found inside the archives.

Note that beta versions only contain the files that changed since the last public release, so you'll have to install the last public release before downloading a beta version.

Directory Opus 4.17 beta versions

DOpus417pre21.lzx    634K    May 28, 2003
DOpus417pre20.lzx    635K    Mar 29, 2003
DOpus417pre19.lzx    627K    Mar 19, 2003
DOpus_Disk3.lha       24K    Feb 22, 2003
DOpus417pre18.lzx    627K    Jan 02, 2003
DOpus417pre17.lzx    627K    Dec 18, 2002
DOpus417pre16.lzx    629K    Dec 11, 2002
DOpus417pre15.lzx    627K    Aug 23, 2002
DOpus417pre14.lzx    670K    Aug 09, 2002
DOpus417pre13.lzx    370K    Jul 08, 2002
DOpus417pre12.lzx    356K    Jun 12, 2002
DOpus417pre11.lzx    356K    May 27, 2002
DOpus417pre10.lzx    344K    May 20, 2002
DirectoryOpus         --     May 13, 2002
DOpus417pre8.lzx      --     Feb 26, 2002
DOpus417pre7.lzx      --     Jan 21, 2002
DOpus417pre6.lzx      --     Jan 07, 2002
DOpus417pre5.lzx      --     Dec 11, 2001
DOpus417pre4.lzx      --     Oct 27, 2001
DOpus417pre3.lzx      --     Oct 10, 2001
DOpus417pre2.lzx      --     Oct 09, 2001
DirectoryOpus.elf    711K    Oct 09, 2001
DOpus417JR_pre.lzx    --     Sep 27, 2001
DOpus4.16b4.lzx      331K    Sep 02, 2001
DOpus4.16b3.lzx      317K    Aug 20, 2001
DOpus4.16b2.lzx      224K    Jul 24, 2001
DOpus4.16b1.lzx       --     Jul 21, 2001

Directory Opus 4.16 beta versions and final release

DOpus416JRbin.lha    873K    Jul 07, 2001
DOpus4.15m.lzx       473K    Jun 20, 2001
DOpus4.15l.lzx       326K    Jun 06, 2001
DOpus4.15k.lzx       333K    May 27, 2001
DOpus4.15j.lzx       332K    May 03, 2001
DOpus4.15i.lzx        --     Feb 26, 2001
DOpus4.15h.lzx       363K    Feb 15, 2001
DOpus4.15g.lzx       319K    Feb 02, 2001
DOpus4.15f.lzx       275K    Jan 23, 2001
DOpus4.15.4_upd.lzx  258K    Jan 14, 2001
DOpus4.15.3.lzx      427K    Jan 12, 2001
DOpus4.15.2.lzx       --     Jan 10, 2001
DOpus4.15.1.lzx      434K    Jan 09, 2001
DOpus4.15e2.lzx      458K    Jan 06, 2001
DOpus4.15e1.lzx      456K    Jan 06, 2001
DOpus4.15d.lzx       405K    Nov 05, 2000
DOpus4.15c.lzx       261K    Oct 29, 2000
DOpus4.15b.lzx       243K    Oct 05, 2000
DOpus4.15a.lzx       141K    Sep 21, 2000

Directory Opus 4.15 beta versions and final release

DOpus415JRbin.lha     --     Sep 06, 2000
DOpus4.14j.lzx       253K    Aug 31, 2000
DOpus4.14i.lzx       256K    Jul 23, 2000
DOpus4.14h.lzx       256K    
DOpus4.14g.lzx       244K    Jul 08, 2000
DOpus4.14f.lzx       243K    Jun 28, 2000
DOpus4.14e.lzx        --     May 31, 2000
DOpus4.14d.lzx       233K    May 21, 2000
DOpus4.14c.lzx       232K    May 17, 2000
DOpus4.14b.lzx       232K    May 02, 2000
DOpus4.14a.lzx        --     Apr 16, 2000

Directory Opus 4.14 final release

DOpus414JRbin.lha    326K    Apr 01, 2000

Directory Opus 4.13 final release

DOpus413JRbin.lha     --     Mar 10, 2000

Directory Opus 4.12 final release

DOpus412JRbin.lha    321K    Mar 07, 2000

Latest beta versions


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